Sunday, April 8, 2012

To Rome With Love - Woody Allen's newest film

Rome is magnificent because there is so much going on at once.  From street markets to performances to film shoots.  Yes, film shoots - it was one of the best parts about studying film there. My classmates and I had the opportunity to visit Cinecitta, Rome's version of Universal Studios and visit the set of an on-production film, Il Rosso e Il Blu.  However, those were just the scheduled film-realted field trips we took.  One night, we ran into the set of Woody Allen's film, To Rome With Love!

Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Penelope Cruz, Woody Allen, and Ellen Paige, the film is a story about love and the Eternal City.  Check out the trailer below:

Experiential learning was one of my favorite parts of studying abroad.  It is so cool to think that I saw the cast and crew shoot a part of this film.  We were even able to get close to Woody Allen's tent! 

To Rome With Love on location at Largo Argentina - Roman ruins at which many believe Cesar was killed, now serves as a cat sancturay! 

Erica and Cody trying to get a glimpse of Woody Allen! 

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